Putin has approached Erdogan for cooperation in mediating a settlement between Azerbaijan and Armenia. This is a positive development. Erdogan and Putin wield influence over Alyiev & Pashinyan respectively. Their constructive engagement can certainly help bring about a negotiated settlement that ensures enduring peace.

The best settlement would be the quid pro quo of Armenia ceding the area of Nagorrno Karabakh to Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan in turn ceding the territory of Nakhchivan to Armenia. This will preempt the possibility of internecine warfare waged by both sides if one emerges victor and the other vanquished from the current war. A quid pro quo makes allowance for enduring peace. The psychology of the vanquished is to wait for opportune moment to settle score. Hostilities will thus continue into foreseeable future even if Nagorno Karabakh is won over by Azerbaijan in the current war.  Joint Turkish Russian mediation can help transform the potentially acrimonious victor-vanquished outcome into one that placates the populations on both sides and makes each state feel it has gained in the process.

If the proposal is followed, needless to mention, forced internal displacements must end. People ought to remain where they are. Those who were driven out from their homelands should enjoy the opportunity of peaceful return and those who are living must be allowed to continue living in peace where they are, regardless of religious or ethnic affiliations.

Enduring peace between Christians and Muslims in the region will ensure economic progress and bring prosperity to people in Armenia and Azerbaijan both.

The important thing is the establishment and uninterrupted functioning of a multilateral trade corridor that will transform the lives of people who must live in the areas that are mired in violence at present.